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Index > Around medicine > Medical legislation and deontology

6 websites currently registered in this category :

Code de déontologie médicale (Belgique)Visit this website
http://www.abhbvz.be/francais/code/cdm.html (visited 4507 times since 28/05/2004)
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Droits du patient / Rechten van de patiëntVisit this website
http://www.patientrights.be/ (visited 4483 times since 30/10/2008)
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Food and Drug Administration (FDA - USA) Visit this website
http://www.fda.gov/ (visited 4498 times since 28/05/2004)
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Ordre des médecins (Belgique)Visit this website
http://www.ordomedic.be/ (visited 4538 times since 28/05/2004)
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Ordre National des Médecins (France)Visit this website
http://www.conseil-national.medecin.fr/ (visited 4514 times since 28/05/2004)
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World Medical Association (WMA)Visit this website
http://www.wma.net/ (visited 4508 times since 28/05/2004)
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