Téléphone Useful contact data
General phone number +32 (0)2 477.21.11
General E-mail address info|AT|chu-brugmann.be
Make an appointment Horta | Brien | Astrid
Cancel an appointment 0800/35.088 (free)
Admissions (Horta site) +32 (0)2 477.20.17
Admissions (Brien site) +32 (0)2 477.94.72
Admissions (Queen Astrid site) +32 (0)2 477.21.12
To call an hospitalized patient +32 (0)2 477.22.00
To call the invoicing department +32 (0)2 477.35.72
To call the social work department Contacts per sector
To call the mediation department +32 (0)2 477.39.29
For the media en the press +32 (0)2 477.39.26
CHU Brugmann's VAT number BE 0257.577.560
CHU Brugmann's IBAN number BE92096920889123


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