>>Cookies policy

Cookies policy

We use cookies and other tracking technologies on this Website.
Please read the text below that is a part of the privacy policy of the site.

What is a cookie ?

Cookies are small text files that are placed and stored on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are very useful because they enable a user to be recognised. Cookies undertake a number of useful tasks, including improving security of a website and general user experience.

Only the website that created the cookie can access the file. The file itself only contains text and cannot perform any action on your computer*. It serves to uniquely provide supplementary information to your internet browser.
* The word "computer" as used here refers to computers, smartphones, tablets and all other devices used for accessing the Internet.

Cookies are either :

  1. session specific, which means that they are deleted from your computer once the session and browser are closed ;
  2. permanent, meaning that they will remain resident on your computer until they are removed (according to a defined lifetime or via manual removal).

Your choice with respect to cookies

As a default, most browsers are set to accept cookies. However, if you do not wish to consent to cookies being stored on your computer, you are able to block all or certain cookies by changing your browser settings. If you decide to block cookies navigation on CHU Brugmann's Website will always be accessible but you may find that you experience interruption or delays to your browsing experience and cannot use or access certain areas of the Website.

To deactivate cookies, you only need the utilized computer and the internet browser. If you would like to use multiple computers or internet browsers, you have to repeat this process for every computer and internet browser. Consult the Help function on your internet browser (or your browser's support website) to find more detailed information on the activation, deactivation, and suppression of cookies.

What cookies does this Website use ?

CHU Brugmann's Website use both session and permanent cookies belonging to the following groups :

  • Process cookies (or strictly necessary cookies) : they help make a website function and deliver the services that the website visitor expects to receive, such as navigation, access to secure areas, etc. These cookies are necessary and without them the website will not function properly.
  • Preference cookies : they allow a website to remember a user's preferences in relation to the website such as language, font size, etc. These cookies are not vital but enhance a user's experience.
  • Analytical cookies : these performance cookies collect information about how the user interacts with a website. This may include the pages a user visits most often, the activity of the user on the website and how often the user returns. This information is normally used in an anonymised way and the data collected is used and analysed (using Google Analytics) to help improve the site and browsing experience. For more information concerning privacy regulation related to the usage of Google Analytics, refer to their rubric "Data privacy and security".

Cookies concerning third parties

On this site, we also use the services from trusted partners specializing in social media (by, for example, integrating YouTube videos or Facebook/Twitter widgets). We think that the usage of these offered services by these third parties improves your visit to our website. The third parties can use cookies to retain certain information. For example, they can use cookies to analyze certain information like the potential clicks of the visitors.

InfoWe are at your disposal for any questions regarding the cookies policy of this Website via the contact form.