>>Fibroids, infertility and childbearing

Fibroid impact :

The role of fibroids in infertility and their impact on embryo implantation remains unexplained.

Numerous studies have shown that submucosal fibroids particularly (submucosal means located close to the cavity where the baby grows) are associated with a decrease in fertility but their treatment increase the rate of pregnancy.

According to current estimates between 20 and 40% of women will develop fibromatosis during their childbearing period.

Many theories have been developed to explain the impact of fibroids on fertility: mechanical deformation of the uterine cavity, perturbation of sperm motility into the cervix by compression, same problem with tubal enlargement of the uterine cavity.

On the other hand they can also cause disturbances in the uterine muscle that can affect embryo implantation during early pregnancy.

In summary :

  • Submucosal fibroids decrease early pregnancy rates through their influence on the implantation of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Intramural fibroids decrease the cumulative rate of clinical pregnancies.
  • Fibroids are associated with an increased risk of caesarean section deliveries but also with abnormal and premature delivery.

>>Fibroid center.