>>Congress calendar

Events calendar

Congress calendar archives :

>Date : 20/01/2007 | GIMS 2nd colloquium on autoimmunity (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 05/12/2006 | Department of Critical Care Medicine's 1st training day (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 25/03/2006 | CHU Brugmann's 25th Orthopedic Day (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 17/03/2006 | Architecture, therapeutic virtue ? (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 02/12/2005 | Woman and health ? (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 26/11/2005 | Ethics and practices (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 21/10/2005 | Dysphagy, from theory to practice (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 12/03/2005 | CHU Brugmann's 24th Orthopedic Day (view description in : french / dutch)
>Date : 15/10/2004 | Is health economy a moral science ? (view description in : french / dutch)
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