>>Prof. Pierre Bergmann : Belgian Bone Club Prize winner 2009

Professor Pierre Bergmann (Radioisotopes Department) has been nominated as the recipient of the Belgian Bone Club 2009 Prize. This prize is allocated, every two years, to one single individual who has shown a great interest in the field of Bone Metabolism, during his whole career and for whom, his/her contribution to the science has been judged outstanding by the BBC Board.

This remittance occurred during the annual BBC "Clinical Update Symposium" which took place on Saturday 16th January 2009 in Brussels.

Prof. Bergmann receives his prize from the hands of Prof. BodyProf. Bergmann and Prof. Body
Prof. Pierre Bergmann (Isotopes) receives the Belgian Bone Club Prize 2009 from the hands of Prof. Jean-Jacques Body (BBC President)...