>>Francis de Drée is the new Chief Executive Officer of the CHU Brugmann (Brugmann University Hospital)

Francis de Drée

The Board of Directors of CHU Brugmann, chaired by Christophe Pourtois, appointed Francis de Drée as C.E.O. of the hospital, from 1 July 2014.

Business Engineer from the Solvay Brussels School, Francis de Drée, 31 years, takes the lead of the centenary Brussels institution. He left the consulting firm B.C.G. (Boston Consulting Group), where he was active since 2006. He has extensive experience of hospitals in Belgium and Europe.

Within CHU Brugmann, several major projects await Francis de Drée, including strengthening university hospital partnerships and the end result of architectural large investments such as the new polyclinic on the site Horta and the complete renovation of the site Brien. All with the primary goal to accommodate all patients in the best conditions.

Appreciated for his ability to listen and create dialogue, Francis de Drée considers his appointment at the same time as "a great honor" and "a great challenge of leading the talented and dynamic teams of Brugmann towards ambitious objectives, carrying a strong set of values​​. "