>>Contact and localization : Intercultural mediation

Intercultural mediationSee also : department's flowchart


Paul Brien site : Rue du Foyer Schaerbeekois 36 - 1030 Brussels (access and map)
Victor Horta site : Place Van Gehuchten 4 - 1020 Brussels (access and map)

Useful phone numbers

Secretariat (Horta site) : +32 (0)2 477.38.12

Specific sectors

Brien site - Intercultural mediation : +32 (0)2 477.92.42
Horta/Astrid sites - Portuguese/English interpreting : +32 (0)2 477.38.04
Horta/Astrid sites - Dialectal Arabic/Berber interpreting : +32 (0)2 477.34.48
Horta/Astrid sites - Bulgarian/Turkish interpreting : +32 (0)2 477.38.77

You can also contact this service by...

E-mail : MediationInterculturelle@chu-brugmann.be

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