>>Contact and localization : Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Physical medicine and rehabilitationSee also : department's flowchart


Paul Brien site : Rue du Foyer Schaerbeekois 36 - 1030 Brussels (access and map)
Queen Astrid site : Rue Bruyn 1 - 1120 Brussels (access and map)
Victor Horta site : Place Van Gehuchten 4 - 1020 Brussels (access and map)
Madeleine Lejour polyclinic : Avenue Rommelaere 18 - 1020 Brussels (Victor Horta site, building Y)

To make an appointment

Reception : +32 (0)2 477.26.13

Other useful phone numbers

Information (reception of the Queen Astrid site) : +32 (0)2 477.21.12
Hospitalization units : +32 (0)2 477.21.21 (U86) / 477.21.23 (U87) / 477.21.34 (U88) / 477.21.22 (U89)

Specialized units/consultations

Neurological rehabilitation : +32 (0)2 477.24.49

You can also contact this service by...

E-mail : secretariat-medecinephysique@chu-brugmann.be (not for appointments)

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