>>Contact and localization : Psychology

PsychologySee also : department's flowchart


Victor Horta site : Place Van Gehuchten 4 - 1020 Brussels (access and map)

Specialized units/consultations

Cannabis clinic : +32 (0)2 477.27.76 / 477.27.77
Stress clinic : +32 (0)2 477.27.96
Pain clinic : +32 (0)2 477.33.00
Maternity / Perinatalogy : +32 (0)2 477.25.49 / 477.26.58
Neuropsychology (geriatrics) : +32 (0)2 477.34.71
Neuropsychology (neurorehabilitation) : +32 (0)2 477.21.97
Papyrus (palliative care) : +32 (0)2 477.28.78
Psychiatry : +32 (0)2 477.27.77
Onco-psychology : +32 (0)2 477.35.09 / 477.35.37 / 477.20.73

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