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Index > Medical Specialties > Anatomopathology

3 websites currently registered in this category :

Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC)Visit this website
http://bbmri-eric.eu/ (visited 5688 times since 22/10/2015)
Description : BBMRI-ERIC primarily aims at establishing, operating, and developing a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of biobanks and biomolecular resources.
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Biothèque Wallonie Bruxelles (BWB)Visit this website
http://www.biotheque-wallonie-bruxelles.be/ (visited 5686 times since 22/10/2015)
Description : The BWB manages the virtual catalog of human tissues and cells samples (= biospecimens) kept by the participating biobanks.
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The Belgian Virtual TumourbankVisit this website
http://www.virtualtumourbank.be/ (visited 5558 times since 22/10/2015)
Description : The aim of the Belgian Virtual Tumourbank is to centralize the data of residual human tumour samples in a database.
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