>>Guidelines for visitors

We want to maintain the visits to the patients. Help us achieve this by respecting the Covid measures. Together, let's limit the contamination!

Limitation of the number and duration of visits

Visits allowed every day from 16h to 18h (two visitors per patient per day, together or separately).
The duration of visits (currently 16h→18h) is displayed in the care unit. The visitor shall leave the unit spontaneously, at the defined time.
The visitor shall remain in the patient's room and shall wear a mask (over nose and mouth) at all times, including in the room.
Food consumption during the visit is prohibited.
Hand hygiene with hydro-alcoholic gel is mandatory upon entering and leaving the hospital, the care unit and the room.
Please be kind in all circumstances towards the care staff. They are there to take care of patients.

In the event of non-compliance with these rules, we shall be obliged to interrupt the visits.

Visitors' access is controlled

  • Visitors must present themselves with their Covid Safe Ticket (or similar document) and their identity documents.
    + The visitor is free of Covid-19 symptoms (cough, fever, flu).
    + The visitor has not been in close contact with a person at high risk of Covid in the last 10 days.
    + The visitor is preferably vaccinated against Covid-19.
  • Covid patients under Optiflow are not allowed to receive visitors.

Granted exemptions

Certain sectors may benefit from exemptions concerning number of visitors allowed, access criteria and duration of their visit.

Sector/specific situation Visitors allowed Specific access criteria Duration of visit
Maternity An accompanying person (chosen by the patient). Sibling : 1 child per day (with mask from the age of 12). Covid Safe Ticket or other Covid test. Parent : No time limit / Visit allowed between 2pm and 8pm. Child : max. 1 hour.
Delivery unit An accompanying person (chosen by the patient). Without Covid Safe Ticket or vaccine or other Covid test (emergency visit).
→ Note : Ideally, a PCR test 48h prior to visit date is expected. Covid status to be established before delivery (if needed, a PCR test can be proposed upon delivery).
Time of delivery.
Neonatalogy One parent at a time. Sibling : 1 child per day (with mask from age 12). Free of Covid symptoms. Parent : No time limit / No defined schedule. Child : max. ½h.
Palliative care Maximum 3 persons per day indoors (these persons may be different each day). Children under 12 years old are not counted. No overnight companion. Presentation of the Covid Safe Ticket. Visit allowed between 10am and 8pm.
Psychiatry Exemption can be granted by the care unit depending on circumstances.
ICU Exemption can be granted by the care unit depending on circumstances.
Covid patient Exemption can be granted by the care unit depending on circumstances.
End of life Exemption can be granted by the care unit depending on circumstances.
Patient with critical condition Several different visitors / Visits in turns (to be agreed with the doctor).

Does the visitor chosen by the patient need help to move around?
The visitor's companion will also be admitted and his Covid Safe Ticket will be checked.

Guidelines for visitors