>>Access the Paul Brien site by car or by motorcycle

CarFrom the city>place Meiser>boulevard LambermontArrivalchaussée de Haecht

GPS coordinates : Latitude N 50.871165 / Longitude E 4.386698

Calculate your route : starting point (format "street number, postal code or city") =  

ParkingParking fees

Access via the main entrance Payment at the exit gate
Coins accepted
0--<15 min. Free
15 min.--<1 h 2,40 euros
1 h--<2 h 4,40 euros
2 h--<3 h 6 euros
3 h--<4 h 7 euros
4 h--<5 h 9 euros
5 h--<6 h 11 euros
>6 h 25 euros
Max. 24 h 25 euros
Special situations
Ticket lost 25 euros (+ 25 euros per night of parking)

!There are very few parking facilities around (blue zone) and inside (pay parking) the site.

>>Paul Brien site : access and map.