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126 informations available for your search term "release" :

Home Ticket : adapting the management of hospital staysHome Ticket : adapting the management of hospital stays (this article in : french / dutch)
A tool for the comfort of our patients and for the organization of our teams.
Press releaseInformation published on 18/12/2014
Social service : pre-hospital consultationsSocial service : pre-hospital consultations (this article in : french / dutch)PDF
The social service is at your disposal by appointment to prepare your future hospitalization.
Press releaseInformation published on 11/12/2014
CHU Brugmann is committing itself to prevent the fluCHU Brugmann is committing itself to prevent the flu (this article in : french / dutch)
Taking care of the patients is only possible if we take care of ourselves.
Press releaseInformation published on 29/09/2014
Francis de Drée is the new Chief Executive Officer of the CHU Brugmann (Brugmann University Hospital)Francis de Drée is the new Chief Executive Officer of the CHU Brugmann (Brugmann University Hospital)
He has extensive experience of hospitals in Belgium and Europe…
Press releaseInformation published on 14/07/2014
Campaign about the disposal of radioactive waste in hospitalsCampaign about the disposal of radioactive waste in hospitals (this article in : french / dutch)
CHU Brugmann participates !
Press releaseInformation published on 05/05/2014
IRIS, a view from the heartIRIS, a view from the heart (this article in : french / dutch)
The IRIS network includes 5 hospitals… Our teams work at the heart of it… Attending to everyone, night and day…
Press releaseInformation published on 30/01/2014
Give a little financial boost to the Brugmann Foundation !Give a little financial boost to the Brugmann Foundation ! (this article in : french / dutch)
ING will pay 1,000 euros to the five most-clicked associations in their province.
Press releaseInformation published on 30/11/2013
A first in Europe : joint diagnosis of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease riskA first in Europe : joint diagnosis of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease risk (this article in : french / dutch)
The Nuclear Medicine department has acquired a densitometer of the latest generation.
Press releaseInformation published on 18/11/2013
The 2013 Brugmann Foundation laureatesThe 2013 Brugmann Foundation laureates (this article in : french / dutch)
Congratulations to the winners for their high-quality work and their enthusiasm for research…
Press releaseInformation published on 25/10/2013
112 and 101 : emergency calls only !112 and 101 : emergency calls only ! (this article in : french / dutch)
CHU Brugmann participates in the information campaign on the proper use of emergency numbers.
Press releaseInformation published on 21/06/2013
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