>>Jaarlijkse wetenschappelijke vergadering van het BASO

BASOHet Belgian Association for the Study of Obesity (BASO) organiseert op zaterdag 16 februari 2008 haar jaarlijkse wetenschappelijke vergadering.

In praktijk

Plaats : Auditorium PP Lambert, UVC Brugmann site Horta
Datum : Zaterdag 16/02/2008 vanaf 9u
Inschrijving : Ilse MERTENS (secretaresse) - tel. 32 (0)3 821.47.28 - fax 32 (0)3 821.42.83
Accreditatie : Gevraagd


9.00 – 9.20
9.20 – 9.30
Welcome by Dr Kutnowski (president BASO)
Free Communications
Chairman : Dr H. Dereppe (CHRT)
9.30 – 9.45
Maury E, Noël L, Detry R, Brichard SM (UCL).
TNFa as a key contributor to adipokine dysregulation in human obesity
9.45 – 10.00
Verrijken A, Francque S, Mertens I, Van Gaal LF (UZA/UA).
The relationship of liver tests with the components of the metabolic syndrome in overweighed and obese women
10.00 – 10.15
Gies I, Vanbesien J, Anckaert E, Mauel R, De Schepper J (UZ Brussel).
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated risk factors in Belgian obese adolescents
10.15 – 10.30
Massa G, Boes R, Mewis A (Virga Jesse – Hasselt).
Insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance in obese children and adolescents
10.30 – 10.45
Beckers S, Peeters AV, Mertens I, Van Gaal LF, Van Hul W (UZA/UA).
Association of the BDNF Val66Met variation with obesity in women
10.45 – 11.00
Peeters AV, Beckers S,  Verrijken A, Roevens P, Pieters P, Van Gaal LF, Van Hul W (UZA/UA).
Variants in the FTO gene are associated with common obesity in the Belgian population
11.00 – 11.30
“General Assembly Meeting” with election of a new BASO board
Coffee Break
Chairman : I. Mertens (UA)
11.30 – 11.45
Verhulst SL, Nelen V, Den Hond E, Koppen G, Beunckens C, Vael C, Schoeters G, Desager K (UA).
Intra-uterine exposure to environmental pollution and body mass index during the first three years of life
11.45 – 12.00
Grabczan L, Karmali P, Bergmann P, Mendes Da Costa P, Simoens C (CHU Brugmann).
Impact of weight loss by gastroplasty on bone mass
12.00 – 12.15
Marrez A, Baudimont A, Dhaene I, Lecocq P, Dereppe H (CHRT).
Negative body image for obese women
12.15 – 12.30
Faust K, Partoens S, Vanoppen A, Hellinx W, Massa G (Virga Jesse – Hasselt/KUL).
Parents of overweight/obese children experience more stress in the upbringing of their child and give less autonomy to the child
12.30 – 12.45
Vanderlinden J, Adriaens A, Pieters G, Van Campfort D, Hausmann T, Jeurissen L (Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KUL).
A cognitive-behavioural program (one day a week) for patients with obesity and binge eating disorder: Short (6 months) and long-term (14 months after end of the therapy) follow-up results
Announcement new BASO Board

NB : The program will have a strict limited time of 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.

>>Interdisciplinaire Kliniek voor de Behandeling van Obesitas (IKBO).